Ask the Expert: Acne Edition

janegee Clear Skin


Our founder and CEO, Jane, is back to answer your most asked skincare questions. But this time we’re focusing on acne. Read below to learn what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes to caring for acne skin.

“How often should I be washing my face?” 

At least once, but no more than twice per day. Overwashing can create issues with your barrier and strip the skin. 

“What kind of cleanser should I be using?” 

For a true acne skin, I’d suggest our Clear Skin Corrective Cleanser. Its key ingredients work to balance, calm, and refine your skin. I had originally made it for a young client who had suffered with acne and problematic skin for years, and it made all the difference in the health of her skin. What you don’t want to do is use sudsy cleansers. They will strip your skin of its natural oils causing it to move into hyperdrive and overproduce oils.

“Are there different types of acne? If so, how do I know which type I have?” 

Yes, there are many different types of acne.

Whiteheads: Plugged follicles that stay beneath the skin and produce a white bump.

Blackheads: Plugged follicles that reach the skin's surface and open up.

Papules: Small, raised, solid pimples that are typically inflamed but do not produce pus.

Pustules: Elevated bumps on the skin, that are inflamed and filled with pus that may be white, yellow, or a greenish-yellow color.

Cysts: Deep, painful lumps that rarely come to a head. These are generally associated with hormonal acne.

“Why am I breaking out across my forehead?” 

The location of pustules, blackheads, wrinkles, and the color of your skin can tell a story about the digestive system. By referencing the face maps below you can see that you may be consuming too much gluten or dairy if you are breaking out on your forehead. When working on clearing your skin, the very first step is to establish good digestive health. Try taking these two things out of your diet and increasing the amount of whole foods you consume. I bet you will notice a big difference.

janegee face maps

“Do you have any advice for someone who struggles with severe cystic acne?”

First and foremost, focus on getting your gut health in check. Try eliminating dairy, sugar, and gluten. These are common dietary triggers that affect the skin. Also, stay far away from processed foods. The best thing you can do is stick with a clean, whole food diet. Eat loads of fresh fruits, vegetables, and organic protein. 

In terms of skincare, wash your face with an oil cleanser, like Clear Skin, twice a day. This cleanser is particularly ideal for problematic, inflamed, and sensitive skin. I’d also suggest detoxing your skin once a week with an Olive Clay Mask to help absorb impurities, dirt, and oil from the skin.

“Is it actually that bad to pop a pimple?” 

I don’t recommend it. What I’d suggest you do instead is use Clear Skin to rid your skin of the bacteria and allow the body to heal the lesion. When you squeeze a pimple you are just pushing the infection down deeper, which can make it worse. Doing so can also cause scarring.

“How can I get rid of acne scars?” 

This depends on the type of scarring. Using products to improve the health of your skin can help soft scars become less apparent over time. We have refined and beautified many acne-scarred skins with the help of products, like Clear Skin, which contains ingredients that help minimize the appearance of scars. 

For pitted scars or ice pick scars, you will likely need to seek professional help. These scars can usually be helped with needling - which is essentially when the skin is broken and the body then produces more collagen to heal and fill in the dips in the skin. It does work and is not invasive.

“Is there any way to prevent acne scars?” 

Avoid picking at your face and using harsh exfoliants or products that will strip the skin. Be sure to support your skin by using good natural products, detoxing your skin regularly with a natural clay mask, and avoiding androgen-stimulating foods such as dairy and sugar.

“Is it okay to spot treat with tea tree oil or witch hazel? Or what should I be using?” 

I do not suggest using either of those. They will both strip the skin and create more problems (e.g., sensitivity, redness, and/or irritation). Instead, apply Yang Oil to the area and leave on for 10 minutes. Remove and follow with Olive Clay. These two products will help get rid of the breakouts quickly.

“Will wearing makeup make my acne worse?” 

Not if it's clean makeup. However, there's so much greenwashing in the cosmetic space, so read labels carefully. If you’re looking for good, clean makeup brands, we highly recommend RMS Beauty, Minori, SOSHE Beauty, and Lily Lolo.

Have additional questions for Jane? Email them to [email protected] or DM us on social media. We will be sure to pass them along!